Thursday, December 13, 2012

Eau Claire weather

On Sunday, the city of Eau Claire received a surprise. Fat, heavy snow flakes fell through the day and into the night, causing college students of UW-Eau Claire to cross their fingers and hope that maybe the university would cancel classes like every other grade school in a 100 miles radius.

According to an article on, the facilities department was a bit under prepared for the sudden snow. The stark contrast between a warm November full of sweatshirts to a snowy December where a parka might be necessary and caught the attention of lots of students. Where did this sudden snow come from?

I have no documented source from the city of Eau Claire but 5 days later and my street still has too much snow for my car to make it up the small hill. Yes the snow was sudden, but more plows need to be out on the roads. Now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Volcanic Eruption in New Zealand

On November 21st Mount Tongariro, the volcano that neighbors Mount Doom in Lord of the Rings erupted again for the first time since 1897, according to an article on National Geographic. The article said the volcano shot ash into the air for over 5 minutes and went 2.5 miles up. 

Some flights have been canceled from this eruption and more are planned to be canceled. The last huge eruption in New Zealand caused lots of air traffic issues. The potential problem with this eruption is there is a strong chance for a second eruption to occur in a few weeks. 

In an article on The New Zealand Herald didn't suggest that any people were injured or in danger from a second eruption but air travel will be effected if there isn't a secondary eruption. 

The government said to check with them before going hiking on the mountain and to keep a look out for observatories but that is the only preparation that citizens can do.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

President Obama's win

President Barack Obama won the presidential election for his second term in office. A reason why I chose to vote for him is because of his stance on environmental issues.
From the White House website:

 “We can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future – an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy.” - President Barack Obama, March 15, 2012

Personally, how he plans to bring out country forward with energy is the most important environmental issue for me.  I hope that in this next term, the dependence on petroleum and coal will be greatly reduced.  This are extremely high hopes but our days left are numbered (that link is more for show rather than information. I didn't confirm the source). 

We can prevent our environment from turning into a disaster but that is up to us and up to our government to make it a priority.